Saturday, September 10, 2011

Empty Ambulances

This week has been a week of reflection for me as I'm sure it has been for most Americans. The ten years that have passed since the horrible events of 9/11 have been, at times, painfully slow and at other times, far too fast. Like most, I don't know as though I have fully digested the impact of that day. Most of the details of the day are seared into my mind as if it were just yesterday.

Ironically enough, by dear friend Sarah and I were planning our upcoming trip to NYC when we saw the news coverage of the first plane. We sat in absolute shock as we watched the rest of the horrible morning unfold; events and images that none of us will ever forget. One of the most powerfully sad images was that of the many paramedics and ambulances waiting to take survivors to the hospital and yet the vast majority of those ambulances remained empty. Those empty ambulances became a physical depiction of the helplessness we all felt. So many lives lost.

But let us remember those days after 9/11. The unity we felt, the sense of patriotism, the kindness shown to strangers. We were a grieving family and we were determined to hold each other up through our grief. May we never forget that we are a strong and powerful country when we are united with each other. May we also never forget that, in our despair, confusion, grief and helplessness, we turned to God. Churches were full and we sought His help, His love and His comfort. Let us never forget Him.

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

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