I like clothes. A LOT. I notice things about clothes, thanks to my mom, that most people probably don't notice. Do the plaids match? Is the nap going in the same direction? Is it lined? And so forth. My taste in clothes FAR exceeds my budget and therefore Dior's only visit from me is via the web. If I were to have an addiction, it would be clothes.
I once had a boyfriend who told me that he questioned my ability to be a good mother. (Incidentally, this conversation effectively ended the relationship.) One of his reasons for this statement was because women like me, who cared about makeup and clothes, didn't make good mothers. Thankfully, I've a husband who appreciates my interest in looking good. I've never been the type to enjoy wearing pajamas all day or go an entire morning without makeup and for this he is grateful. We're a wonderful match!
I have questioned before if my desire to look good is just plain vanity. I'll be honest, sometimes it is. But, more often than not I like to get dressed and made up for my husband's benefit. He deserves to come home to a cute wife. I didn't slob around without makeup, unwashed hair and grubby clothes when we met- why would I 'give up' now? I truly believe that my attention to this detail shows him that I care about his opinion of me. What man really wants to come home to a slob of a wife? I heard a preacher once say "Ladies, a little paint never hurt the barn." How true. Even the Proverbs 31 woman dressed herself in nice clothes.
As with most things, I believe the motivation and purpose of the heart is the bottom line of this issue. Although I am quite certain that most feminists would take great issue with the fact that I dress to please my husband, I am not ashamed of this and am more than happy to check my lipstick and powder my nose before he walks in the door at the end of the day.
Must close for now....I heard about a sale.....:)
I Am Learning
4 years ago
So true!